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Stopping CRT: A 4 Step Action Plan

This is a step by step “action plan” anyone can follow to prevent or interrupt CRT based programs and policies  in their communities.


The most important step is to tell your town officials and leaders - in person, by email, posts on social media or other written communication - that you are opposed to CRT and any programs that  implement race based preferential treatment. 


Many leaders are unaware of CRT or how well intentioned efforts to help the disadvantaged become CRT indoctrination efforts under the guise of "diversity and inclusion" or "racial equity" training.  Raising awarness on CRT is key!


The steps below will help you to be persuasive when making statements against CRT and programs that implement race based preferences. 





Step 1: Talk About the Most Concerning Facts About CRT


In the CRT Overview section, you can learn about the five most concerning facts about CRT. Get familiar with the main arguments and pick 2 or 3 out of the 5 points to practice presenting strong objections to CRT.


Check out our example of positive engagement with others, How to Talk About CRT: A Practical Example




Step 2: Debunk CRT's Misleading Claims


Now that you have learned about the five most concerning facts about CRT, you also need to understand how to counter the main misleading claims made by CRT advocates.   Debunking CRT reviews the 5 most common misleading claims made by CRT proponents and how to counter them with facts and data.



Step 3: Identify CRT's Presence in Your Community 


Across the country, many communities are busy implementing conduct diversity and inclusion sessions, racial equity workshops, racial sensitivity training and social emotional learning classes. Many of such pleasant-sounding programs are infused with CRT, and frequently in these sessions CRT's misleading assertions are presented as facts.


How can you determine if CRT is already in your town and to what extent your local policies are affected by the doctrine? Go to Identifying CRT to learn about common codenames for CRT, maps and other facts about CRT in schools and communities across the US.


You will also see how to do a simple web search to determine if CRT is present in your community in Identifying CRT In Your Community: A Practical Example.





Step 4: Engage Local Leaders to Voice Opposition to CRT


Whether your town is implementing CRT-infused programs or not, it is time for you to proactively reach out to your town officials and policy makers about your concerns regarding CRT. Through positive engagement, you can help prevent CRT’s invasion where it has not arrived and counteract its presence in places affected by CRT. 


Each public forum at your community level or in your child’s school district presents a unique opportunity for you to engage local policy makers and educate the public on CRT. Be prepared, assertive and organized.


Sample letters, key talking points, external resources and practical examples are provided in the Resources section.


And don’t forget to check out our compilation of success stories and powerful testimonials for additional inspirations on your journey to defend America against CRT. And take a look at How to Voice Your Opposition: A Practical Example.



Talking About CRT Facts Example 1

How to Talk About CRT: A Practical Example

An easy place to start as you practice presenting the most concerning facts about CRT is the first point from the 5 Most Concernting Facts About CRT:



1. CRT is against equality and for illegal race based discrimination



Discuss this point with a friend or family member, and see what they say. Perhaps they have objections. That’s fine - you’re practicing handling objections. Have ready supporting points from the CRT Overview section like these:



  • “Did you know that the 14th Amendment contains the ‘Equal Protection Clause’ which was the
    basis for Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court decision that helped to
    dismantle racial segregation? Do you know that this serves as the basis for many other decisions
    rejecting discrimination against, and bigotry towards, people on the basis of race or skin color?”



  • “Did you know that the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, is considered one of the crowning legislative achievements of the civil rights movement?"



  • "Why would our town implement any policies that would be in violation of the Constitution and federal laws like the Civil Rights Act? Wouldn’t that put the town or its school system at risk of legal action that we as tax payers would end up paying for?"



To further prepare yourself to be persuasive when talking about CRT,  go to the Resources section to review supporting materials that can help further equip and empower you.

Identifying CRT in Your Community: A Practical Example

Doing a web search on “your town’s name” and “equity” will usually lead to a set of results related to your town that you can then scan for one or more of the other CRT codenames. For example, doing a search on “Grand Rapids” and “equity” in June of 2021 (Grand Rapids is a city in Michigan, these pages may change or change location on the city’s website) revealed a link to this page:

Screen Shot 2021-06-09 at 9.24.42 AM.png

The page shows that the town of Grand Rapids already has an “Office of Equity and Engagement”.  At the top of this page, you find this statement:

It  says the town complies with the provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Of course, this is not optional since the 1964 Civil Rights Act is a federal law, and violating the provisions of the Civil Rights Act would likely result in the town finding itself engaged in expensive litigation.


Although this is a positive statement, it is important to keep reading to see if there are signs that CRT based programs have been implemented in Grand Rapids.


Further down the page, the town states it is offering “training” in conjunction with a company called Harriet Speaks LLC. 

Below is Harriet Speaks' website, which states that the firm's consulting is "Transformational" around race, diversity and inclusion. Notice the words "diversity and inclusion" and "inequities" on the home page.

Its mission statement says “Harriet Speaks Consulting provides high schools, colleges, universities, nonprofits, and businesses –from Fortune 500 companies to niche startups –with training, coaching and support to address anti-black racism, diversity & inclusion in the workplace”.


But if you go a bit deeper and look under the “Harriet Writes” menu on the Harriet Speaks site, you’ll find an article about a “Come Meet a Black Person” event where you can begin to see that Harriet Speaks embraces the core tenets of CRT.

Deeper in the post, you'll find a discussion of "whiteness at the top" that the author ties to "anti-blackness" and  a hierarchy with "whiteness at the top and black at the bottom"...

Screen Shot 2021-06-09 at 10.37.07

Further down in the post,  instead of using the words “systemic racism” or “institutional racism”, the author explains that even if another racial slur were never uttered,  “racism would still persist and exist in our institutions”:


If implemented, policies incorporating racial preferences could result in a city like Grand Rapids violating state and federal laws and exposing the city to costly litigation.


Keep in mind that this consultant has been hired by a major city in Michigan, Grand Rapids, which the US Census Bureau says is 67% white.


Does it make sense for the citizens of Grand Rapids to have their tax dollars be used to train residents that the largest segment of their population - white people - are all racists and that all of Grand Rapids institutions are systemically racist? Of course not. 







Voicing Oppositio - Example

How to Voice Your Opposition: A Practical Example

Now that you are ready to communicate your opposition to CRT and programs that implement race based preferences,  go to your city or town’s website to find the email addresses and other contact information for your town’s leaders. 


For example, a web search of “Grand Rapids” and “city officials” leads to one result including a list of elected city officials, including their email addresses and phone numbers:

Once you find the appropriate page on your town's website - or if it's not there, call your town government office -  you have what you need to email, call, or setup a meeting with one or more of your local town officials - your mayor, town administrator, school superintendent, or others, and give them your perspective on programs that implement racial preferences and CRT.


For help with sample written communications, go to our Resources section to see sample letters to town officials that you can tailor. 


Remember, it is likely that most of your town leaders know nothing about CRT or how racial sensitivity and diversity and inclusion training is being used as an opportunity to indoctrinate members of your community into believing that the radical principles of CRT.


Help them avoid making a mistake that would not only create legal risks for your community, but which would also potentially take resources away from your community's most pressing needs.


Hearing from you could prevent from CRT taking hold in your community, so reach out to your community leaders today!


Californians for Equal Rights Foundation
P. O. Box 26935, San Diego, CA 92196

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