Success Stories
9.65 Million Californians Rejected Race-based Treatment
Californians for Equal Rights/No on 16, previously a ballot measure committee, led a successful campaign that resulted in the overwhelming defeat of the divisive and discriminatory Proposition 16 on the November 2020 statewide ballot. In the end, over 9.6 million voters in California, a state that overwhelming went for Biden, rejected a measure that would have stripped these precious words from the California Constitution: “The State shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.” (Article I, Section 31 (a)).
Ordinary Americans Challenge Elites on CRT
In Nevada, Gabrielle Clark--- a bi-racial mom and William Clark---her high school son are challenging the State Public Charter School Authority and his charter school Democracy Prep for a mandatory social studies class called “Sociology of Change.” The class taught CRT normatively as fact and promoted disparate race-based treatment, requiring students to label their personal identities according to perceived levels of privilege and oppression. When William refused to publicly reveal his race, gender, religious and sexual identities as required by the curriculum, he was penalized with a failing grade. After filing an official compliant in the Federal Court, the school offered to expunge William’s failing grade and allow him to opt out of the class. (To learn more about the Clarks' legal advocacy work, please check out this detailed profile developed by our partner group No Left Turn in Education).
Moms, Dads and Grandparents Unite in Grassroots Opposition
The counter-movement to CRT is a truly diverse coalition of ordinary Americans of every stripe. After all, fighting CRT is an intensely moral issue that unites people of different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. All over the country, grassroots groups have sprung up to proactively engage local school districts and local governments.
In Southlake, Texas, a District that decisively went to Biden in the 2020 general election, anti-CRT candidates won every race by about 70%, including those for 2 school board positions, 2 City Council seats and mayor. (Read more here).
In Smithtown, New Jersey, a slate of anti-CRT candidates backed by police unions were elected to the school board to oppose the District’s race and diversity curriculum. (Read more here).
In San Diego, California, a growing coalition of parents and private citizens, coordinated by Californians for Equal Rights Foundation, have rallied successfully to raise public awareness on CRT-based local ethnic studies courses and racial equity, anti-racism plans. (Read more here, here and here).
In Franklin, Tennessee, a group of moms organized the local chapter of Moms for Liberty and rallied over a thousand parents against CRT, in the forms of K-12 curriculums and a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion plan. (Read more here).
Among Americans

Oppose white privilege training
Disagree with teaching of oppression v. privilege
Oppose teaching systemic racism
Oppose teaching race essentialism
Think it is somewhat important to institute changes based on CRT
Source: Parents Defending Education
While Many of 14,000 Public School District Boards are Embracing CRT,
Said They Don't Want Schools To Teach Slavery As The Center Or National Narrative
Believe That Students Should Be Taught That The Founding Ideals Of Liberty And Equality Were Wrong When They Were Written
Source: Heritage Foundation
Hold unfavorable views of CRT
Oppose teaching CRT
those who heard of CRT
Oppose teaching it in schools
Disagree with the statement that
anti-racism requires anti-capitalism